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Band Profile


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Band Info

Band photo for The  Uptown Gang

Mike Barry “New Uptown Gang” – The band started life in 1998 to play one specific date, the musicians blended so well together and had so much fun, the “boys” agreed it would be special if the band played together on a regular basis, and The “Uptown Gang” was born. The band policy is to play interesting tunes from today and yesteryear including a mix of classic jazz and a programme from various Jazz periods in a light Traditional swinging style. To be smart in appearance, to play well musically and to entertain those listening, also to provide an infectious beat for dancing in the Jazz Style. In 2021 Alan Gresty took over the leadership of the band.

Band Members

Instrument thumbnail for Trombone


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Instrument thumbnail for Trumpet


Alan Gresty – Cornet, Trumpet. Played lead trumpet for many years with the Monty Sunshine’s...

Instrument thumbnail for Banjo and Guitar

(Banjo and Guitar)

John Stuart – Banjo and Guitar. John has great experience in the jazz world. He was a member ...

Instrument thumbnail for Drums


Graham Collicott … Drums /washboard - Brilliant driving drummer, rock steady tempos’ plays wi...

Instrument thumbnail for Double Bass

(Double Bass)

Keith Donald – Double Bass. From 1970 to the present time he has been the resident double bass...

Instrument thumbnail for Clarinet


John Ellmer – Drums and reeds. I started playing drums at an early age, starting with a toy ki...

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